Sunday, November 11, 2018

Prestashop - How to remove hyperlink from the copyright

Earlier I have discussed how to change the Copyright words on the PrestaShop footer on this blog article "How to remove copyright words". However, that is only part of the removal - and if you click on that link it will lead to page.So in this tutorial guide we going to remove, edit, or change the hyperlink target of the copyright words from the classic theme template

1. Login to Prestashop Template directory using FileZilla FTP

2. Locate this directory .../themes/classic/templates/_partials/

3. Edit the footer.tpl using NotePad++

4. Find this line in the file the link as below and change it to the destination url of your shop

 <a class="_blank" href="" target="_blank"></a>
5. Once done upload the file to the same directory and replace the existing one.

6. Then open a browser and login to the back office

7. Go to Advanced Parameters > Performance > Click "Clear Cache"

8. Now browse to your shop and click on the copyright link it should leads to your store instead.

prestashop 1.7 change copyright link

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