So there is an article talking about (bubble wrap) that people use for greenhouse application. It's very effective against the heat of the sun and it also can be use for home windows. The fact is bubble wrap is very cheap and purchased 10 meters long x 1 meters width only cost around RM21 from
So here's what i used
1. Measuring tap
2. Scissors
3. Soap mix with plain water in a spray bottle

Step 1: Measure the bubble wrap cuttings against the windows size and cut accordingly
Step 2: Once done take use stairs or ladder to climb up and apply the bubble wrap. Spray the soap water on the windows to create sticking mechanism. Once it is done place the bubble wrap accordingly.
Step 3: Keep doing until all windows covered and clean the excess soap using cloth. It Done!! Very simple

As you can see from this thermometer result which i got for RM2.99 from supersave store. Usually it measures up to 40 degrees Celsius at the hottest time of the day but now it's only 35 degrees C. This is very significant improvement as 37 degree C is human body temperature at 35 the room only feel warmer. Apart from reducing heat it also helps the air conditioner to work less and thus consuming less electricity to cool down the room. This has been consistent even at the hottest time of the day which means it really works just like the greenhouse and i can take it away anytime if i want to. Perfect!!

Another way of using bubble wrap, very interesting