Although most web-hosting service companies provide almost near identical offers in terms of pricing, features, and technical support. There are a few things that one may need to know in order to understand better and choose the best service out there. There are iPage, Bluehost, Hostgator, and Godaddy among the most popular and well established webhosting companies that has been in the market for quite a number of years especially Hostgator and their reputations can be measured by the satisfactions from the overall clients feedback.
In general Pricing, Bandwidth, or Disk space as most of them are virtually the same for all the web-hosting providers. Some may put 100 GB but it is actually the same as Unlimited since most website does not require that much of disk space except for dedicated multimedia hosting.
Free Domain - Not all the service providers give domain for free and it is a great compliments to choose which providers give it free for 1 year hosting. Common standard pricing for domain name ranging from $10 to $13 per year and the highest price could go as high as $30 per year.
Server Uptime - Always choose webhosting providers which show the most and highest uptime percentage rating. This is one of the most important factor when choosing webhosting provider because 0.01% is also significant to the visitors of your website. Consider that if the site is down by 1% per week that is total of 1.68 hours downtime per week. 1.68 hours is very long to wait and it can discourage visitors to visit your site.
Customer Support - Most inexperience hosting users usually does not recognize the importance of Customer Support especially new users who never have web-hosting before. As for the experience users they will be very picky on this factor when it comes to webhosting. Why is it so ? Simply because when the hosting server having issues such as downtime users will look for support solve their problems or answer their questions. Not all support are very responsive and helpful but if the overall experience are good then that is not a big deal. However there are webhosting technical support which are consistently poor in their work and that is very frustrating especially when users website have a lot of traffic and it need to be solved as soon as possible.
Cheap Webhosting - Remember that cheap is not necessarily good where most of them will over sell their server which will result in overloaded bandwidth and disk space usage. This will lead to the slow loading time and crashed due to overused memory and CPU. Apart from that since it is cheap the support service is often very poor because they cannot afford to pay to provide a good service.
3 months ago
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