If you are running your own web-hosting site, FTP (File Transfer Protocol) software is a must have tool you need to manage them. FTP is a software used to upload and download files such as documents, images, media (audio, videos) between local desktop computers and the web-hosting server. It is like a bridging platform that connects between the two.
There are many free FTP programs you can find online such as SmartFTP, Coffee Cup Free FTP, Core FTP, Leech FTP but personally i preferred the FileZilla FTP distributed for FREE under the GNU general public license. You can download the programs from its Official website: FileZilla. But before downloading make sure you choose the correct version that suite your needs.
1. FileZilla Client - This is use to transfer (upload/download) files (i.e. documents, file, audios, videos) between local desktop and web-hosting server.
2. FileZilla Server - Get the server if you want to make files available for others.
How to use:
What you need the information such as host (domain name), username, and password provided by the web-hosting site that you subscribed to. For example below
Host (Domain name): renew-antivirus.com this can also be in the form of IP address example: Usually the web-hosting provider will give you both IP or domain.
Username: renewant
Password: renewant123
Key in the details above as shown in the screen shot below and click "Quickconnect". Once it is successfully connected then you can start transfer files back and forth between your computers and web-hosting server.
3 months ago
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