Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Gold Rocks - Geology

We don't have to be a geologist in order to search for Gold and there are many lucky people out there who have been collecting and make a living from Gold prospecting. It just require us to be familiar with certain element that is associated to Gold for example the rock which contains gold deposits. Below is a collection of pictures from various websites to show an example of potential rocks containing gold deposits. To study deeper on the scientific details of the Gold geology and its rocks, there are plenty of online information to provide the basic idea about the formation of Gold Element.

Below are the samples of Gold nuggets that is found areas like the desserts, rivers, mining caves, etc. It gives the idea so not to overlook if it is a gold or something else when stumble upon it. I just have a thought of this idea when thinking about getting more money. Hehe

An important piece of information that Gold formation is taking place on the veins of large stone or rocks. However not all rocks usually have gold deposits stick on it, and only certain type rocks will have it. This is one basic common sense to familiarise with what kind of rocks usually have gold deposits on it.

Areas to search for Gold (Beginners)
  • Dessert areas: Exposed Bedrock and Washes. Gold can usually be found on bedrock or in exposed crevices. Desert gold is moved by flash floods, which create washes that maybe gold bearing. The banks of the washes also sometimes pay well, with nuggets that are in the process of being washed down by the infrequent flash flood. 
  • Mountain areas: rivers and streams, old mines, hydraulic areas and ancient river channels. Detech all the exposed bedrock on the sides of rivers and streams. Look through tailings piles and around old stamp mills. Check roads that were used for hauling ore.

1 comment:

  1. This is good. I need more info on how to identify g
    raw gold deposites since am not a geologist.
