
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Simple 4G LTE signal booster / amplifier that finally works

The components are purchased cheaply and yet the circuit is also very simple. This is my first prototype 4G LTE indoor signal booster that I am currently building to solve the slow internet connection that I've experience for so long.

In the past 9 years streamyx internet connection has been doing unfair capped bandwidth at 2 Mbps and yet the reality performing only around 0.5 Mbps ~ 1 Mbps and the connection keeps on turning on and off. Then I go for DiGi 4G LTE 100 GB internet package that comes with the HuaWei WiFi mobile modem - it's doing alright with signal strength around 1 to 2 bar performing at 3 Mbps and below. I guess anyone out there using Digi Internet experiencing almost the same day in day out. I am pretty sure of that unless your house is located next to the Cell Tower station.

Based on the android signal software analysis the DiGi could actually provide up to 72 Mbps super fast connection but that's probably if the device is placed right on the cell tower microwave antenna which is not going to happen. In reality we will get around 1 Mbps ~ 3 Mbps and sometimes 5 Mbps depending on the proximity between the device (mobile phone) to the cell tower distance. That speed usually linger around -107 dBm to -101 dBm which is below average. This happens usually when you are inside the house.

Signal Strength Analysis based on LTE discovery android software:

-107 dBm to -101 dBm = 1 Bar
-99 dBm to -90 dBm = 2 Bar
- 89 dBm to 80 dBm = 3 Bar
- 70 dBm and below full bar

Which means the higher the negative value the weaker is the signal strength otherwise the lower the negative value is the stronger the signal strength.

Having said all that I've made quite sometimes of research to build antenna amplifier / booster for the HuaWei modem to get better signal that it is currently receiving. And here comes the final prototype running on 20 Mhz crystal to modulate the weaker signal into 20 Mhz output.

The following are the components:

20 Mhz Crystal Oscillators
Coupled Inductor 20 mH
Air core inductor 2.5 Turns
2 x Input antennas (to harvest signal from surrounding environment)
1 x Output signal to transmit / broadcast the signal to the HuaWei modem

Despite the circuit output only 20 Mhz but there is quite significant impact of it to the HuaWei Modem signal - as you can see in the video demonstration it could amplify up to 4 bars signal which increase the internet speed within 9 Mbps to 15 Mbps range. And the signal strength is very consistent as oppose to without the amplifier circuit.

NOTE: When signal is very weak within your area - the modem signal strength sensitivity becomes very high which means a slight movement and placement (angle) of the modem could effect the signal strength significantly. That's why if you found a good spot and position where the signal is very strong take note of it because the rest of other positions / placement could be very bad. In this circuit do not place the transmitting antenna too close to the modem because the signal output will over powered the modem input signal. Placing too far is also not good because the signal cannot reach the modem. In my case i purchased special made 4G LTE antenna with two coil on the antenna and placed it within 7 cm away from the modem. This is the best distance that i have experimented. I believe different antenna could possibly emitting different signal strength - so self experimentation is required how far it is from the modem.

To ensure your circuit works - test using a multimeter with the Hertz mode. The crystal should transmit / oscillate around 8 Mhz ~ 12 Mhz at the output and the ground of the crystal should generate around 2 Mhz ~ 4 Mhz. If anything lower than this it could affect the signal strength - please experiment at your own discretion. Connect only the output connection to the output antenna and do not connect the ground because it will provide a constant frequency 20 Mhz. A constant frequency is not good and you must allow it to oscillate to emit the RF signal.

Cheap WeBoost 4G LTE Booster | Homemade WeBoost 4G Booster | DIY WeBoost Mobile Amplifier | Cheap RF Amplifier | Homemade simple mobile signal booster | hiboost, surecall, verizon, tmobile, wilson booster


  1. jual x devices ni. kalau nak jual bepatutan
    memerlukan tapi saya bukan geng electronics utk diy... tq

  2. Thank you I will try this hope it works for me to.

  3. Where to extract/buy the oscillator

    1. eBay but better to have quality one from DiGikey or element14

  4. can you give me the schematic circuit for that?

    1. The 4G circuit is already in the article..

    2. but circuit in video is so complicated and schematic diagram in article is so simple, so please share detailed circuit diagram, please.

    3. In the video those other components and circuit are not in use. They are for testing the circuit diagram in this blog is the one part of the circuit in the video....All other circuit are for other used. Only the one in this blog is the simple one

  5. Will this work with a phone on a 4g LTE sim?

  6. I am little bit confused about this scematisc so can u explain me that what NC stand for in this diagram and can we directly connect a outoor antenna in input antenna ......Help me out guys thanks in advance

    1. Its actually very simple if you understand it...NC = Not Connected which meant don't do anything about it don't connect it anywhere just leave it as is

    2. 1. THANKS!! This is the first credible DIY article I have seen that addresses the amp realistically. I look forward to educating myself to fill in gaps (what is a realistic wire-guage, core-diameter and coil-spacing of the air-core inductor? Since my carrier's LTE is 751 MhZ, I guess all three antennae should be tuned to that freq).
      2. "...Its actually very simple if you understand it..." Can't wait to try using that phrase at work, explaining relational SQL to team members with only procedural background. Einstein thought quantum physics was simple at its heart.
      But I have to agree, the circuit is simple.

  7. Can you please help me with this project; please mail me the circuit diagram and related information on

  8. Do I strictly need two input antennas? Or can I just use one and wire it to the two paths?

    1. One is enough and if you have Yagi antenna much better...the Yagi reception and propagation of signal is much better than any other especially in 4G LTE application

  9. What series is the 20 mHz crystal and 20 mH coupled inductor

    1. Active crystal and the coupled inductor salvaged from faulty power supply

  10. Hey man...Great video...thanks for sharing.
    I just have a few questions since I am also trying to build a booster for my work place.

    1. If I changed the signal harvesting antennae with high gain antennae, would that increase the amount of signal I can harvest?

    2. If I changed the black transmitter antenna with a bigger antenna, would I be able to increase the range of the booster?

    3. If you move your router away from the black antenna, do you lose boost benefits?

    4. What is the range of the device you have made?

    5. Can multiple devices benefit from the signal output from the booster?

    6. Do you not need band pass filter on the incoming signal of the device? To ensure you filter for only the frequencies you need?

    7. Using different antennae, what would be the max range (more/less) that I could get from this type of device?

    8. Could you kindly just give a brief description of how your device works in a bit more detail? Like s step-by-step guide. (e.g Signal comes into the harvesting antennae, from there i goes into the filter, which filters 15-20MHz. Blah blah blah)

    I am a serious noob to this sort of thing and I want to build this as part of my school project, so understanding how it works is vital.

    Thanks in advance for your kindness in taking the time to read through this long comment and replying.

    1. Hi thank you for your interest on the 4G signal booster and below are some answers in regards to your questions

      1. If I changed the signal harvesting antennae with high gain antennae, would that increase the amount of signal I can harvest? --- Yes it is, you can buy Yagi antenna from china and use amplifier to amplify the signal it would gives a greater 4G signal receptions.

      2. If I changed the black transmitter antenna with a bigger antenna, would I be able to increase the range of the booster? --- no..the design of the antenna gives significant impact to the range of distance not the size - and yagi antenna seems to have that good characteristic or the biquad directional antenna

      3. If you move your router away from the black antenna, do you lose boost benefits? --- yes but there is another circuit that i build to direct the signal straight into the modem using SMA connectors as in this youtube video DIY homeMade 4G LTE, 3G, HSDPA, Edge, gprs, internet booster. This circuit does not require any distance measure any longer but rather direct output signal into the modem antenna port via the SMA - T9 connectors.

      4. What is the range of the device you have made? -- So far no measurement

      5. Can multiple devices benefit from the signal output from the booster? Oh yes definitely

      6. Do you not need band pass filter on the incoming signal of the device? To ensure you filter for only the frequencies you need? -- This signal booster is not specific but rather like general band and it is flexible can be used by any frequency.

      7. Using different antennae, what would be the max range (more/less) that I could get from this type of device? -- Sorry I don't measure the distance thus far and it requires some special equipment to do see the distribution of signal.

      8. Could you kindly just give a brief description of how your device works in a bit more detail? Like s step-by-step guide. (e.g Signal comes into the harvesting antennae, from there i goes into the filter, which filters 15-20MHz. Blah blah blah) -- Alright in this simple circuit the crytal oscilator generate the signal and connect to antenna to harvest signal from surrounding environment. Then it goes through inductors to filter out the signal and then RF diode to convert the AC signal harvest into DC to make it more stable. However the latest circuit is involved much more components and that's the final version i am using so far until this day

  11. The most complete version of the 4G booster can be found on this video link DIY homeMade 4G LTE, 3G, HSDPA, Edge, gprs, internet booster. A combination of crystal oscillators, voltage control oscillators, frequency multipliers, signal mixers etc. It work almost 95% constant full signal to boost the huawei modem e5377 4G LTE. The best achievement so far making the signal amplifier and i have been using for quite sometimes till now never fail

  12. Very cool projects - and i would like to learn more about this great circuit because i purchase expensive booster like hiboost to improve signal around my house but the signal is not very consistent sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work. I live in a remote area and desperate for signal for my phone and data. I am afraid to buy another amplifier device although i read a lot of positive feedbacks about the wilson equipment but i am still uncertain fearing it failing just like the rest. So now i am turning to DIY and if it works really amazing because the cost like $15 is nothing loose to make one.

    1. yeah sure but the to start this project you can learn slowly how things were built. It took me the hard way to gather all the components and ideas how to make it really works at it is now. Here is the videos how it all begins

      1. Crystal oscillator frequency generator

      2. Crystal oscillator experiment with can antenna

      3. understanding the signal emission

      4. first working prototype of the 4g signal booster

      5. Improved version of 4g lte signal amplifier

      6. The ultimate version of the 4g, 3g, 2g, gprs, edge, hsdpa, wifi signal booster

      It took perseverance and persistence to keep searching to make it work right.

  13. crystal oscillator pdf
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    How to power up 12 Mhz crystal using transistor BC547 12 Mhz Crystal Oscillator

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  15. Do I strictly want 2 input antennas? Or am i able to simply use one and wire it to the 2 paths?

    mobile signal booster in delhi

  16. Kindly make a video to show us how it is build step by step. I am layman in electronic field but i want to learn and build this project at home. Please do so. Its a kind request to you

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  19. But wait here in India we have 2300 to 2400Mhz 4g signal band but you use 20Mhz crystal oscillator then how it recive the signal and boost it up I thought it won't work if it need to work you must use 2400Mhz crystal oscillator

  20. How do I do the schematic please?
