
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Simple Easy 3.7 Volts DC to 3000 Volts AC - Power Moseft IRFZ48N

A simple circuit to convert 3.7 Volt DC battery to 3000 Volts AC using fast switching power mosfet IRFZ48N. The transformer is salvaged from faulty power supply with center tap primary. The component is very simple and easy to put together

The DC to AC circuit

1 x 1000 Ohm Resistor
1 x IRFZ48N Power Mosfet
1 x Mini step up transformer with center tap primary

The Voltage Multiplier to amplify the voltage up to 3000 volts

8 x Ceramic layer capacitors that can withstand up to 3 kilo Volts (3kV) of voltage and 8 diodes 1N4007 diodes. This is the simple schema if you have any question just let me know

10 Nano Farads Ceramic Capacitor or 0.001 Micro Farad is good enough


  1. how much farad for capacitance sir?

    1. As stated 10 Nano farad is fine...but you can use between range of 10 nano farad up to 3300 nano farad

  2. why diodes don't burn? 1n4007 are 1000v rated

    1. if 200v going in the first stage it will doubble up to 400v but the diffrence is still 200v in between every stage. however if a messure is taken from beggining of input to the multiplyer and all the way to the end it will be high voltage.

      6v-----------increased by 2v from here to reference is 6v or 6kv if you will.
      4v-----------increased by 2v
      2v-----------increased by 2v
      0v-----------reference point

      I hope you got my explanation

  3. step-up transformer is used which measure how much?

  4. You need add a 1N4007 in reverse from the base to the ground. MOSFET won't last long without it.

    1. u mean add a forward diode from ground to base? Any other method?

    2. You could actually just try and get a spare if anything happens. Experiment is result is far more superior experience than theory. Believe me.. you will learn more from real failure

  5. With a Villard circuit since it has 13 phases - it should have 37,000 volts for it doubles with phase (with losses about 30.000 volts) and to have a spark that long it has to have that much.

    1. not phases, stages. each adds the same amount of voltage to the output

  6. Thanks for sharing this information. It will work with any center tap transformer.

  7. I have a scope read out on the voltage straight out of the transformer but I can't up load it. It reads 2740 volts before going to the multiplier circuit. It will destroy a tester trying to check it - I lost one without a overload circuit. The scope has a High Voltage probe that can read 5000 volts.

    1. Cool experiment - i am excited too see how much voltage you can get since i don't have those sophisticated tools to measure high voltage power.

  8. What was the voltage rating of the capacitors? May I also use 2.2nF 2K volt capacitors?

    1. Yes 2.2nF 2K will work...i use mixed rating because i don't have all the same. But your spec will definitely work as well

  9. Where did you get your ceramic capacitors from?

    1. There are plenty of them in ebay and very cheap.

  10. I can´t find any cheap/practical 32 or 16kv capacitors... Can you send me a link please?

    1. U don't have to have 16kV or 32 Kv just need an idea...To get 16kV you just need to arrange for example 2kV 8 pieces is series or 16 pieces 2kv to get 32kv ...

      Or u have high voltage for example 4kv u can arrange 4 in series to get 16kv and 8 pieces to get 32kv..

  11. No .. but you can use N-Type Mosfet or NPN transistor

  12. please if i wanna to design such a system i need the required equation or calculation

  13. hey.. i just read out the comments above. in one of them you have mentioned that you can arrange 2kv capacitors in series to get 8kv out of it. but if we arrange them in series their net capacitance will decrease.

  14. is the diode rectifier? also where can I find a decent transformer?

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  17. Could you tell me the part number for the step up transformer and where to buy it? Thanks

    1. This will give you an idea where to find transformers for free at home Where to find power transformers

    2. you mean open up some household appliance and use the parts inside?
      is there a website you suggest we can buy the diodes and step up boost from?

    3. where are you from? So i can suggest the nearest place if you are malaysia - then shopee is a great place to buy. Use a normal diode N4007 and high powered capacitors like 4 kilovolt ceramic / mylar capacitors
