It is not necessary to use expensive anti-virus software to remove viruses, Trojan-horses, or any sort of Malicious programs from computers. All you need is just little bit knowledge of DOS command language to do the job. However detecting the infected file or the virus itself can be whole of lot time to search, because they always hidden somewhere undetected in the system.
So without the help of anti-virus it can be difficult to locate where exactly they are. But not to worry as there are plenty of FREE anti-virus programs out there such as AVAST, AVG, Avira to name a few. These programs can help you to detect viruses even though they imposed limitation to encourage users to subscribed for the paid version. Despite of the limitation, there is still way to make it work as good as the paid version. Follow the instruction below how to utilize DOS command to perform virus deletion.
Note: Assuming a virus has been detected and we know the exact location using Free Antivirus Software
Step 1: Go to Start and Run then Type "cmd" and hit ENTER on keyboard to access DOS command prompt.
Step 2: Type cd c:\\virus location. For example cd c:\\users\public. This command is to access the directly where the virus is. In this case we assume that the virus is located at c:\\users\public directory.
Step 3: In the directory type attrib -a -h -r -s follow by the name of the virus or infected file. For example attrib -a -h -r -s virus.exe
Step 4. After stripping off its attributes the virus should be revealed Now you can delete the virus by using command del virus.exe
It's DONE!!.
The file attributes are define as follows:
R = read only - allowing the file to be only viewed and not written to.
A = Archive - allowing Microsoft backup and other backup programs to know what files to backup.
H = Hidden - Making the file invisible
S = System - Making the file important to the system
The Hidden (H) and System (S) attributes are the most commonly exploited by the virus programs. Using the attributes making the malicious programs invisible and look legitimate to the operating system. Thus it can execute its action undetected by users.
3 months ago
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